038 – Wonderous Woman

I was scared to draw the face.

Sometimes I think I may have some severe sociopathic tendencies. I find it incredibly difficult to relate to people, and most times, I simply care not to. When people talk to me, I will focus on anything else so I do not have to have any kind of conversation or emotional reaction. The overwhelming amount of “can’t give a fuck” inside of me is on ocassion a frightening thing.

But then I watch a movie like Nightcrawler and see a shocking portrayal of a sociopath and I realize how normal I am.

Holy fucknuts, Jake Gyllenhaal is amazingly gross and cuh-ray-zee in this film. It’s incredibly good, but good lord, I felt like I needed to soak in an acid bath to wash the ick off of me. It’s intense and at times funny, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuckin’ dirty. I’m honestly surprised my television and blu-ray player didn’t just explode with slime about halfway through. Just… ugh. Gross. Fuckin’ gross. But so good.

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