Tag: art


The things in my head don’t come out the way I ever intend on paper.


Doodled this in a friend of a friend’s sketchbook. My pal Joe and I went to see Veronica Mars today. It was a delightful movie. My memory of the television program is hazy, but it didn’t really matter. I remembered just enough to get some little things, but otherwise it’s perfectlu open to a wider …

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March M.O.D.O.K. Madness

My 2nd contribution to the March M.O.D.O.K. Madness website.

414. Halloween III

Random thought: Sometimes I want to start writing one of these things with the phrase “Once again”, but I stop myself because I know that I’ll immediately follow it with “back is the incredible, the rhyme animal, the incredible D, Public Enemy Number One. Five-O said, ‘Freeze!’ and I got numb.” But fighting against my …

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413. Sleep-Deprived Caffeine Puppet

This sketch was done on a 1 inch by 1 inch piece of tile that I was recently given. It was weird to draw on, but kinda fun? The Silber comics I’ve done are pretty small, but this one has it beat. And now a word from our sponsor: The following is every random thought …

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412. Gentleman

By request, one of The Gentlemen from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer – a show that I still have never seen more than two episodes.


I have no information for you today.

410. Mentok the Mindtaker

I am currently on a pretty big Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law kick. So great. If I had been even the slightest bit aware that I was going to be posting this today, I probably would have drawn Shado, the Brain Thief instead. Mindtaker!

409. Aquarium

Cleanin’ up. Friday night, I watched the original 1930s Reefer Madness. It was quite fantastic. Really made me want to start wearing suits and and other dapper clothes and smoke pot and go on murder rampages. Saturday, I revisited an old favorite, Videodrome. It was David Cronenberg’s birthday and my friend Jason had never seen …

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408. Fast Guy

Always Wally.