Tag: cartoons

Space Ghost

This WAS for sale at my store, but it has already been purchased. There’s still more though! If you buy something nice, sometimes I’ll doodle on the envelope!

Spider-Friends, Go For It

A few weeks ago, chillin’ with my pal Joe, we decided to watch some Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, and now I’ve just been mainlining it. Just had to draw Ms. Lion.

Rainbow Brite

Commission. Client got a an ink drawing on paper and a hi-res color print.

93. Star Sapphire

Good night, 2021. It’s been… something. Also, good night Sketch-a-Day. It’s been… real hard. I cannot see myself continuing to do this ever again. Of course I will still be continuing to make art and posting it. I will be resuming work on my comic that I abandonded mid-year. Join my Patreon page and you …

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92. Reaper

91. Cyborg Superman

90. Deadline

I’d like to apologize to Bruce Hughes in 1998.

89. Dr. Light

88. Psycho Pirate

87. Two-Face & December Patreon Rewards

Merry Christmas from the man who is both naughty and nice and will judge you by the flip of his coin. Merry Christmas as well to all my Patrons, and to everyone else I guess. If you want a sincere holiday greeting from me, join my Patreon. The Hell Priest Clive Barker doesn’t like the …

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