Tag: golden age

373. Green Lantern

I want to redesign the Justice Society.

258. Mr. Terrific

Terry Sloane, the original Mr. Terrific, had a Mr. Terrible costume. A very long time after his death, he was replaced by Michael Holt and got a pretty sweet updated outfit. Even the New 52 version of Holt’s costume was neat. Unfortunately, that’s all I had in mind while trying to come up with a …

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252. Red Tornado

This is the Golden Age Ma Hunkel version of Red Tornado. I tried to keep her look true to her origins without being blatantly ridiculous. She was a mother who was inspired by her son’s superhero comic books to dress up and fight the crime that was overrunnning her neighborhood. So she was the first …

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172. Catwoman

330 – Golden Age Red Tornado

Another request from the Potter family, this one definitely from Sarah. If DC Comics wants to appeal to a larger audience with a strong female character, they can look no further than Ma Hunkel.

257 – Golden Age Starman (2)

Back in March, I posted a redesign of the Golden Age Starman. I was not happy at all with how it turned out, so I decided to give it another shot. I’m definitely happier with the color choices (plus better rendering) and overall line-art for this version. It retains the mad scientist/pilot feel I was …

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203 – The Whizzer

Fulfilling a request. The Whizzer is a somewhat obscure Golden Age Marvel speedster, and the name is also used by the speedster from The Squadron Supreme, I think (it was hard to find info on this guy). The original Whizzer was retconned as a member of The Invaders, the WWII super team that featured Captain …

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100 – Golden Age Blue Beetle

Whoo! 100! Hey, it’s a milestone, let me fucking have it! Seriously, I honestly thought that I would have given up by now. Trust me, I’ve wanted to. Still do! Won’t. But still do. To celebrate post #100, I did a redesign of the original Blue Beetle – Dan Garrett. I wanted to make his …

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041 – Golden Age Starman

A redesign of the Golden Age Starman, based on my previous attempts at G.A. redesigns. But not as successful. I was kind of going for a mix of crazy mad scientist combined with the James Robinson Starman. Eh. Another one for the “retry later” pile.

034 – Daredevil vs. Daredevil

I have gone on at length about my love of Marvel Comics’ Daredevil before, so again, he’ll probably pop up once or twice throughout the next year. Decided to have a DD vs. DD faceoff with the Golden Age Daredevil (or Death Defying Devil, if you’re Alex Ross and Dynamite). I love the bizarreness in …

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