Tag: movies

Dracula Week Day 4: William

Ok, not Dracula, but William Marshall’s Blacula couldn’t be passed up.

Dracula Week Day 3: Christopher

Dracula Week Day 2: Gary

Dracula Week Day 1: Bela

It’s Dracula Week. Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel was first published on May 26, 1897. I first read the novel when I was in 3rd grade, roughly 1986. To say I understood it entirely would be a drastic overstatement. I was 8. But I had been obsessed with horror and monsters since as long as I …

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26. Hoggle

25. Chamberlain

I have never seen Dark Crystal.

24. Lo-Pan

23. E.T. the Extraterrestrial

22. Miracle Max

21. Rockbiter

It’s Carrie Schurman week. She picked all 80s fantasy/sci-fi movie characters, and all of them are ugly, so right up my alley.