Tag: Pencil

309 – Electro

I’ve always liked Electro, even if I couldn’t tell you a single reason why. Other than the costume. It’s sweet. Any attempts to change it (Bendis & co.) are dumb.

305 – ???

258 – Misery

I was in a really dark and foul mood when I doodled this.

161 – Tomorrow's Sketch

160 – Today's Sketch

005 – Sketch Woman

Just a doodle while watchin’ a movie.


I need to draw more female characters. I need to draw more/better inked drawings. I need to color those drawings. Here’s an old sketch of Spider-Woman (like 5/6 years old). I haven’t gotten much better.


So despite the fact that I can say (not-so-proudly) I am a Wolverine fan, I have no intention of seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine. To make up for that, here’s a pencil drawing I did that was probably the only decent Wolverine sketch I’ve ever done. That said, I did spend my money on the new …

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Zombie Invincible

10/07 A mix of hero and horror, the unofficial Walking Dead/Invincible crossover I’ve been wanting for years. I figger since I’ll be posting here everyday, and I’ve stopped posting on Newsarama, I’ll vent about whatever while I post art. …um… Got nothing to say. There may be a new episode of Gutter Trash up tonight. …

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Hawkgirl (30)

I’m old today. This is definitely not where I saw myself at the age of 30. 2008 has been a definite shit year for me, mostly of my own design. The comic thing is still a definite goal for me, but I work slowly. I want my projects to mean something personally to me. I …

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