Tag: sketch


Portrait of my mom’s cat Ebby. I think. I dunno. I only get brief glimpses of him once every 6 months for the last 10 years. Anyhoo. I started watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt last night, the new Netflix series. It’s a goddamned delight.

040 – Saint Sebastian

Yesterday was the lady’s birthday. She collects Artist Trading Cards, and we agreed to trade back when we first started dating. Almost immediately, she painted a Blue Beetle for me. And I did nothing. I’m a bit of a procrastinator and kind of a horrible guy. Finally, though, I drew this card to give to …

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I saw someone post a “challenge” on twitter. Draw a shrug. So. There. Was busy drawing, scanning, and editing podcasts last night in a feeble attempt to ignore that my life is about to completely collapse. Also watched Dead Alive again, still the best Peter Jackson movie. Also been watching the 12 Monkeys television program. …

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Holy F*ck #3: On sale this week!

Fuck Nick Marino.

038 – Wonderous Woman

I was scared to draw the face. Sometimes I think I may have some severe sociopathic tendencies. I find it incredibly difficult to relate to people, and most times, I simply care not to. When people talk to me, I will focus on anything else so I do not have to have any kind of …

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I think about sex a lot.

036 – Elongated Man


I watched JOHN WICK last night. Keanu Reeves is terrible, but the movie is fantastic. Just the perfect action shoot-em-up I was wanting to see. Stylish, funny, violent, decent characters, and just enough pathos.

034 – The Flash

Back cover to yesterday’s blank variant cover. Again, this will be up on eBay soon, unless perhaps you’d like to make an offer, Joe (or anyone). So y’know, yesterday’s relevant text here. Also, still, the new Flash TV show delights me. So does the original. That said – and I know I’ve mentioned this multiple …

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033 – Reverse Flash

I believe I’ve made my love of the blank variant covers publicly known. Seriously. I love them. The paper… oh lord, the paper. I’ve drawn two of these in as many weeks, and I think I’ve officially become addicted to drawing on them. Seriously. I’m jonesing for the next one. Unfortunately, I don’t have any …

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