I was in and out of the room last night, but I got to see the last 15 minutes or so of last night’s episode of The Flash. Despite already knowing the villains identity, the show managed to pull out some major surprises. I love the hell out of this show, I truly do. It does what the other DC media lacks, and embraces what it is. Add in, of course, great acting and writing and characters (maybe not Iris or Linda, sorry).

Meanwhile SHIELD continues to be watchably disappointing. However: Angar the Screamer!


Watched the first three episodes of Powers. It’s a turd. A wet, steamy turd.

So, a very long time ago, a family friend brought over some peanut brittle. I ate some, but I didn’t like it. About a half hour afterward, I began to violently vomit. It was as if my insides had all turned to vomit and I was a tube of vomit toothpaste that had been squeezed by a vice. It was, mildly, awful. I’ve never eaten peanut brittle again. I can’t even stand to look at a piece of it, it will make me gag. Even just thinking about it now makes me feel ill. But y’know what? Some people love peanut brittle. And just because I have a bad memory and reaction to it doesn’t that peanut brittle should be wiped off the face of the Earth. I can have other snacks. There’s plenty around.



Finished watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Good lord, so funny. Bonkers funny.

Watched Iron Man Friday night.

I liked it better than I did when I initially watched it. It’s good, but I was never in love with it. The entire Iron Man franchise (and to an extent, The Avengers, and all of the MCU) hinges on RDJ, and he pulls it off admirably. It’s kind of funny to watch now that there’s been 10 of these movies. You can tell they were at least hoping for sequels, but building a universe? It was a pipe dream, and there’s certainly things you could pick out as “world building”, but it just has to be coincidence or wishful thinking. Still, it’s a solid movie, but without RDJ it would be kinda boring. Also, this may be the last time Jeff Bridges was in a movie where he wasn’t just playing “The Dude” (or himself, for that matter).

Debate time: Punisher War Zone was a Marvel Studios movie, but has no real attachment with the MCU otherwise (who knows, maybe Daredevil might mention Frank Castle). Watch it as part of the package?

The Incredible Hulk is next. It’s my least favorite MCU movie, and by that, I mean I did not like it at all. Haven’t seen it since, though, so who knows? And yes, despite my dislike of it, I still own a copy. ‘Cause nerd.

Anyhoo, as I was writing this, I started watching – and stopped – a movie called The Scribbler. Who knows, maybe the last hour was amazing, but the first half hour was dismal. Starring Katie “Dinah Laurel Lance Black Canary” Cassidy. She’s naked in it. There, that’s the only positive so far.

Currently watching the lackluster Avengers Assemble cartoon. This is a poorly animated, poorly written and poorly voiced series that replaced the stellar Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes.

Tired of writing. G’night.



Portrait of my mom’s cat Ebby. I think. I dunno. I only get brief glimpses of him once every 6 months for the last 10 years. Anyhoo. I started watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt last night, the new Netflix series. It’s a goddamned delight.

040 – Saint Sebastian

Yesterday was the lady’s birthday. She collects Artist Trading Cards, and we agreed to trade back when we first started dating. Almost immediately, she painted a Blue Beetle for me. And I did nothing. I’m a bit of a procrastinator and kind of a horrible guy. Finally, though, I drew this card to give to her for her birthday. I also learned a little about Saint Sebastian himself.

Learnin’! Double weird: the city in which my mom was born and raised is San Sebastian in Puerto Rico.


I saw someone post a “challenge” on twitter. Draw a shrug. So. There.

Was busy drawing, scanning, and editing podcasts last night in a feeble attempt to ignore that my life is about to completely collapse. Also watched Dead Alive again, still the best Peter Jackson movie.

Also been watching the 12 Monkeys television program. It’s fine. Go into it not expecting the movie, and it’s fine. Totally watchable.

Holy F*ck #3: On sale this week!

Fuck Nick Marino.

038 – Wonderous Woman

I was scared to draw the face.

Sometimes I think I may have some severe sociopathic tendencies. I find it incredibly difficult to relate to people, and most times, I simply care not to. When people talk to me, I will focus on anything else so I do not have to have any kind of conversation or emotional reaction. The overwhelming amount of “can’t give a fuck” inside of me is on ocassion a frightening thing.

But then I watch a movie like Nightcrawler and see a shocking portrayal of a sociopath and I realize how normal I am.

Holy fucknuts, Jake Gyllenhaal is amazingly gross and cuh-ray-zee in this film. It’s incredibly good, but good lord, I felt like I needed to soak in an acid bath to wash the ick off of me. It’s intense and at times funny, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuckin’ dirty. I’m honestly surprised my television and blu-ray player didn’t just explode with slime about halfway through. Just… ugh. Gross. Fuckin’ gross. But so good.