April 2018 archive

1185. Hercules

1184. Syd Barrett

Shine on you crazy diamond.

1183. Beebo, God of War

1182. Black Panther

Hey did you know there was a Golden Age character called Black Panther? You do now.

1181a. Venom

After yesterday’s piece, I decided to draw a more traditional Venom. So sue me (please don’t, also I have nothing).

1181. War Eagle

Absolutely the most ridiculous Golden Age superhero I’ve ever seen or heard of. Look him up, it’s a doozy.

1180a. Spider-Man

I think Venom is the worst Spider-Man villain and overall Marvel character ever. The movie looks turdly. So I drew a bonus McFarlanish Spidey.

1180. King Mob

1179. Milk & Cheese

A carton of hate. A wedge of spite.

1178. Captain Marvel

I tried to draw his New 52’d costume, maybe add some classic elements. It’s actually not too terrible when not drawn by Gary Frank and when worn by Chuck Bartowski. However, I got really bored drawing it so I stopped.