Eric Powell’s The Goon is consistently the best comic on the stands, when it comes out. It’s been away for about a year, but now it’s back, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s fantastically funny, obscene, dramatic, amazing and beautifully drawn. I am eagerly looking forward to Satan’s Sodomy Baby II and I hope the animated movie gets made.
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Oh look, another popular comic series I’ve been woah-fully neglecting. I bought/read the Chinatown hardcover, and thought it was pretty cool. I really should start from the beginning.
Heck yes! You do a great Goon, a lovely Chimichanga… but would you be up for doing your version of Billy the Kid and Jeffrey (the minature boy)?
You sir draw some damn fine hats!
Hats are so tricky to draw, I don’t know why I insist on drawing characters with them.