This sketch was done on a 1 inch by 1 inch piece of tile that I was recently given. It was weird to draw on, but kinda fun? The Silber comics I’ve done are pretty small, but this one has it beat.
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The following is every random thought I’m having this morning. Please feel free to fuck yourself if you don’t like it.
With a couple thousand songs on my mp3 player, things will get weird on shuffle. This morning was just damn bizzare. Perhaps I’m thinking too much about it and putting too much into it, in a desperate attempt to make my brain focus and not ooze out of my ears.
But still, it was a pretty weird jumble of songs that seemed to keep at the top end of the alphabet, artist wise.
With two exceptions – Gary Hoey’s cover of “Hocus Pocus”, Garret Wall’s “In the Lap of the Mountain” – everything that played this morning was an “A” artist or “B” artist.
Two Beastie Boys (an instrumental and a later-career punk tune), Bloodhound Gang, B-52’s, Archers of Loaf, Black Flag, Big Daddy Kane, and Accept. It was just a jumble of genres.
Speaking of Accept (Fast as a Shark was the song), I still hold that if Patton Oswalt doesn’t play the lead singer in a biopic, something has failed at the core.
Hey, animated billboard on I-75. I don’t want you to be posting bracket results. I can wait until I get to work. So can the rest of humanity. You will kill someone.
There is a special joy in listening to Paul F. Tompkins talk about The Vision.
Two minutes at work, and there was discussion of Hitler.
No one ever takes me up on my invitation to breakfast at 4am.
I watched The Wolf of Wall Street last night. It’s good. About an hour too long, maybe. I seriously felt like it took me all night to watch it (I did take an hour break to watch ARROW).
I don’t get the controversy of it. Sure, the movie made rampant drug abuse, thievery, sex and debauchery look like a ton of fun, but it also made it look like it was all being done by the absolute worst fucking human beings who had ever lived. If anyone missed THAT part of it, then they’re fucking dumb.
I am tall, tan, charming, handsome, talented and hilarious. I need to remind myself of that sometimes.
I have little to no opinion on the potential of the show “Gotham”, other than done well, it could be great. I point to the comic “Gotham Central” as a prime example of the premise. However, I do love Donal Logue. He’s great in everything. He looks great and will probably be fantastic as Harvey Bullock. But no matter what, no matter how much time passes, how many shows or movies he appears in, I’ll never not be angry that “Terriers” didn’t make it past a first season. You’re all horrible people for not watching that show. HORRIBLE.
Let’s make 4 am breakfast plans for some day next week. You pick the day and I’ll be there. Invite Joe G. as well!