Sketch-a-Day 3.0 begins! Felt good to take a break, but it feels even better to get back to daily drawing. We’ll see if I can make it a full two years this time ’round. I mean, ideally, I’d like to just go and never take another break, but, yeah, I know me better than that. And, who knows, maybe I’ll get too drunk to draw and post again someday. There’s a precedent.
Anyhoo. Blue Devil! I’ve drawn him once before in the early days of the blog. I’m slowly tracking down the original Blue Devil series. It’s a lot of fun. For some reason, I occasionally delude myself into thinking that I should immediately be a film and television producer, and I’ve got a neat idea to execute a B.D. movie. I should get a lot of money and a some actors and a special effects house to help me make a trailer/promo reel.
Or, I’ll just draw some more for tomorrow.
Welcome back if you’re back!
Where do superheroes find these amazing boots and gloves with giant ruffley fold-overs on the ends? They’re amazing.