Tag: Jimmy Olsen

The Batman-Superman of Earth X

My pal Joe directed me towards Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #93, featuring Jimmy Olsen as The Batman-Superman of Earth X. Thanks, Joe!

1035. Jimmy Olsen

I decided to do a theme month on the blog for the month of December 2017 – or DCember, if you will. All DC Comics characters, all month, 31 days of Johnny DC. Can you handle it? Probably. If you can’t, seek help. My self-imposed rules: No Superman or Batman characters. Except for this one. …

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Ok, PANIC!: Groin Kick

Poor Jimmy. Superman’s a dick. Superdickery.

repaneled: Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #72

I contributed this re-drawing/re-dialoguing of a Jerry Siegel/Curt Swan/George Klein panel from Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen #72 to the repaneled blog. Go check out the rest of the blog!