Joe Grunenwald has been one of my closest friends for a very long time. It’s a relationship that started out oddly. He was just a kid that worked part-time at my comic shop. But I’ve grown to love him like a brother. He’s been here for me in some of the hardest times of my life and gotten me through.
Now I need to return that kindness.
Joe’s wife, Jennie passed away last week after a long battle with cancer. I regret that I did not ever extend myself enough to be better friends with her, but I knew how much she loved Joe, and he, her. She was an amazing person, and now Joe is going through a pain I cannot ever imagine going through.
I’m an idiot and I’m not great at deep emotional communication. I’m best at service by trying to make people laugh, and all I can do for Joe is offer my friendship and love and hope he is distracted by my idiocy and hopefully make him laugh occasionally.
So, when Joe asked if I wanted to watch Morbius with him – a movie I had literally just watched a few nights before; a movie that is so bad, it’s not even laughably bad – I said “Yes” immediately. Joe invited our friend Jason to join us. We ate incredible Mexican take-out and sat down to watch professional method lump of coal Jared Leto’s masterpiece.
While we watched, I doodled this.
Joe, I love you, sir. I am so sorry for everything you and Jennie went through, but know that you are loved by so many people and that you will get through this, because all those people will help you get there. And you can get sad and you can get angry and you can feel numb, and it’s all okay. Because it fucking sucks. But me, your friends, your family – everyone who understands – we’re here for you. And we’ll try to help make it suck just a little less.