The final Dick. Red Robin (Yum!) from Alex Ross & Mark Waid’s Kingdom Come series, which takes place in a dystopian alternate future where grim-n-gritty anti-heroes run rampant, and the classic do-gooders are powerless to stop them. I’ve berated Frank Miller’s Dark Knight series for the reactionary takes to it which have really ruined Batman beyond repair. I feel like Kingdom Come had a similar effect on Superman and led directly to things like Man of Steel, where the masses just miss the goddamn point of Superman.
I’m not a huge fan of Alex Ross, but I like this grown-up Red Robin look and I like that he made middle-aged Dick Grayson look like the Michael Keaton Batman, which I tried to emulate here. This is also to help differentiate from the time Tim Drake (Time Drake?!) wore this suit and was known as Red Robin.
Thus ends the Robin Fortnight. Thank you for putting up with this short, poorly-drawn history of Robins; and finally for allowing me to show you my Dicks with all these Dick pics. I hope you’re all satisfied with these Dicks as I am fully satiated and probably need to take a short nap.