Tag: He-Man

1. Prince Adam & He-Man

Welcome to the return of the Fall/Winter Sketch-A-Day. Um… might be the last time I do this? We’ll see. As always, The Return runs from October through December. November & December will of course be Marvember & DCember. Marvember’s inner theme is The Women of Marvel, and DCember’s will be DC Villains. October changes year …

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1242. Skeletor

1241. He-Man

364. Webstor

One of my first Masters of the Universe figures as a kid.

344. Orko

343. Faker

It’d probably be easier to fool people if your robot clone of He-Man didn’t have blue skin, bright red hair, and villainous armor.

338. Man-E-Faces

Animated. Sorta.

337. Hordak

332. Clawful

330. Merman

Might be the start of some MOTU sketches…