434. Black Widow




430. Starburns

A few weeks ago, I realized that – while I was a fan – I had major gaps in my Community experience. So Joe G. stepped up and let me borrow the first three seasons, which I have been binge watching. Today, I got to the episode where we lost Alex “Starburns” Osbourne to a meth lab explosion in his car and felt that I should pay tribute to this legend.

429. Batroc the Leaper

So, I had a pretty excellent day today and part of that was going to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I had enjoyed the first Cap movie, and of course, Avengers, but doooooood, this movie was fan-frickin’-tastic. I will talk more about it on the next Stupid Sexy Podcast with Kathleen. So, I wanted to draw Batroc the Leaper, who plays a significant role in the beginning of the film. I’ve always kinda dug Batroc, ridiculous get-up and ridiculous gimmick. And hey, anything to make fun of the French, right?


The guy who lives in my head who likes to ruin things showed up today. That guy is an asshole and I wish I could kill him.


The intimidation “kewl” factor I was aiming for on this gets taken away when you acknowledge that the gas mask looks like a monkey.