Night Thrasher

Blazin’ Urethane. (YouTube Short).


just wanting to draw more 90s Image doofuses.

YouTube Short

Dick Briefer’s Frankenstein

August 30th is Frankenstein Day! Celebrate as you like.

Recently had the Dick Briefer version of Frankenstein floating around in my head.

Limited Edition Prints available for Sale at my online shop.

Also, as a bonus, check out a YouTube process video here.

Silver Surfer

Happy 107th to the legend that is Jack Kirby. Happy Kirby Day to all.

Wanted to draw the creation that I feel is the one he felt was cruelly ripped away from him by Stan Lee. It would have been interesting to see what The Surfer would have been without Lee getting his dirty fingerprints on that shiny chrome ass.

And in continuing honor of Jack Kirby, I will continue to quietly and slowly work on my own comic in darkness and obscurity.

You can check out my progress on Patreon!


Just a hankering to draw some 90s Image heroes

YouTube process short here.

Patreon Reward: Amazo

Completing this particular patron’s collection of classic “mix-em-up” villains, like Super-Skrull, Mimic, Super Adaptoid… actually, that’s it, I think? Also, there’s probably more, I’m just unaware.

All of this month’s Patreon reward sketches were done using a new fountain pen I recently bought with some fancy refillable ink, and I had some learnin’ to do. Apologies to all involved.

Patreon Reward: The Tick

Been thinking about The Tick a lot lately, and it was just serendipitous that the patron asked for him. The Tick is very special to me, but I didn’t want to just draw him standing or posing. I consulted a friend about what I should do with this sketch. He suggested Tick reading a comic and eating Andy Capp Hot Fries.

As I worked it out, originally, I was going to have Tick reading a Deadpool comic (fresh on the brain from the newest movie) and not finding it funny. Then, for some reason Savage Dragon came into my mind.

So I made this political commentary. Views expressed by The Tick ARE the views of the creator, when it comes (cums?) to that book. I stopped reading Dragon around 20 years ago, but still flip through it on occasion, and lately, every single issue is about Mickey Mouse being a rapist, dripping labias, and cumshots. Eww. Gross. I mean, Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose is telling Erik Larsen to ease up.

Anyway. Spoon.

Patreon Reward: Elongated Man

I love stretchy superheroes. Except Ms. Marvel. Nothing against her, I just think it’s a dumb power for her. I like Cinematic Ms. Marvel’s power set better. Sue me.

One of my very first original characters when I was in the 4th grade was named “Stretcharella”.

TM & Copyright Eric Shonborn. Don’t you fucking dare steal my ideas.

Black Canary (46)

It my berfday.




Lessee. In the last year, I got dumped twice, my car needed a whole-ass engine replaced, my cat died suddenly, and my dad’s lung cancer relapsed. Also, I’ve been getting injections into my eyeballs once a month. So yeah. Fuck my life. I am desperately, crushingly, devastatingly lonely.

Anyway, I just wanted to draw Black Canary. No reason, no motive.

Let’s see how age 46 crushes me.


Just felt like drawing a Supergirl.