Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day. I got a card for my Valentine. Thing is, I’m a cheap bastard, and greeting cards are ridiculously expensive. So, I went to the Dollar Tree, but the only card I could find was this religiously themed one. It has a nice message and sentiment, but why is God gettin’ all up in Valentine’s shit? So, I made it decidedly not God-centric, as we are a very athiestic and anti-religion couple (yes, I work at a church). You can see the full mods below!

Moon Knight

I needed a break from a project I’ve been working on. Process YouTube video here.

Patreon Commission: Dollman

Asked to draw Dollman, from the Full Moon motion picture Dollman, directed by legendary filmmaker Albert Pyun. And here I am once again drawing perpetual 78 year old Tim Thomerson. After drawing this, I decided to watch the movie, as it is a blindspot. It’s… not great.

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Patreon Commission: Strontium Dog

I don’t know anything about Strontium Dog, other than he looks cool and is a mainstay/visible icon of 2000 A.D. Fun to draw!

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Patreon Commission: Monstro ElisaSue

I enjoyed The Substance, despite not really liking Coralie Fargeat’s previous film, Revenge. One friend – not really a horror fan – told me that it just gets weirder and weirder, while another told me to expect Society vibes. I didn’t love the obvious homages to other films and directors’ works, but the story is great, the FX are fantastic, and of course, the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world.

Spoilers, btw.

Letterboxd review here.

I struggled with this one for a while. Then I sorta realized, it didn’t need to be 100% movie accurate. Just an approximation of what Monstro ElisaSue looks like and then I felt free and happy to draw this wonderful, beautiful, hot-as-fuck woman. Happy New Year!

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Guy Gardner

2025: The year of less Fan-Art. Not the year of NO Fan-Art.

Anyway, best Green Lantern.

The Puppet

A 10×13 black and white ink illustration on 11×14 bristol board. Scanned in and colored in ClipStudio. My friend challenged me to color it in a specific palette.

The black and white version is available For Sale at my store.

A Monster

Available for Sale at my store.

Drawn in black ink on a chipboard from the back of a pad of paper. Listen, you can tell what this is. I have no explanation. It just IS.

This Guy

I have several superheroes who live in my head that I’ll 99% probably never get around to making a comic about, but he’s the closest to the 1% that keeps edging out. I dunno. Still working VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SLOWLY on my zombie comic over on my Patreon.

I want to make 2025 a year where I do more original works than I do Fan-Arts. I mean, it’s not like I have any kind of a following anyway, so no matter how many times I draw Spider-Man or Batman, I am still an invisible entity on the internet and in the world. Might as well try to find what creativity I have left inside myself and milk it til I die – possibly soon? I dunno. I have plans. I always have plans. Just need to find the follow-through. Working nearly 7 days a week with a fucked-up schedule and still attempting to maintain the 3 social relationships I have with a mighty death-grip is exhausting, especially as I inch closer toward 50. My near-death experience in 2022 kinda fucked me up way more and deeper than I think I expected. My ability to make art or any kind of lasting personal legacy is waning, and I a) don’t know how much longer I have and b) know that whatever I do will be forever ignored. It’s frustrating and it’s hard to let that go.

2024 was rough. Parts of 2025 seem to be looking up, but as my personal life adjusts, the world, particularly the country in which I live, is backward sliding into a fiery, slow, dumb-as-fuck fascism. It’s hard to be optimistic.

All I can do is control my own life (to a very minor degree) and my own actions. Part of that will be to make things that I can point to and say “I made this, this is mine, this is me.” Even if it’s just stupid shit that makes me giggle.

Happy New Year, fuckheads (with love).

Ghost Rider

Available for Sale at my store.

Drawn in black ink and white paint marker on a chipboard from the back of a pad of paper.