Super Freaked

A little over 10 years ago, my friend Jim asked me for advice/help on getting started with a podcast. I gave him what little advice I could (which, after podcasting for almost 14 years, is still very little and useless). Then I offered him a URL and hosting space on my server, and I started The Gutter Trash Podcasting Network. Which basically has mostly consisted of 2 podcasts at all times. The constant being The Savage FINcast, a popular and enduring show dedicated to Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon comic series.

Last year, Jim asked if I’d like to participate in a little self-published fanzine (FINzine?) organized by him and his FINcast Cohorts to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. Despite having long dropped off as a Savage Dragon reader, that book and Erik Larsen will always have a fond place in my heart, and I happily contributed a pin-up.

Shortly after I submitted my piece, Jim informed me that upon being given a review copy, Erik Larsen decided to publish the ‘zine as an official Image Comic.

That book is now officially solicited for Pre-Order from your Local Comic Shop, or wherever it is you buy your funny books.

Wanna know what I drew? Buy the book!

I’m still here.
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