i used to watch TRANCERS all the time as a kid, and would often “play” Trancers on the playground as Jack Deth. With usually one of the girls in my class as the Helen Hunt character, and we’d fight other kids who’d be Trancers or Whistler. Of course, not fully realizing I was probably the only 7 year old who’d ever even heard of “Trancers”.
I was a weird little kid.
I am a weird big adult.
Still love this damn movie, and so glad to realize that it’s also a Chirstmas movie! Add one to the December rotation. But, y’know, it’s good anytime. Helen Hunt is so damn young and spunky as an 80s LA fake punk in her best role ever – looking her best as well. 65 year-old Tim Thomerson who also happens to somehow only be 38 when this movie comes out is fantastic as the cynical, snarky Deth. The low-budget and super-cheesy “future” scenes just add to the charm. This movie rules.
Let’s go play on the playground again.