Jason Young Fortnight should be a band name, like Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Remember when that insisted on being something? Oh, the 90s. I love you, I miss you, but you were awful. Anyhoo. Pig Iron is from Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew. I believe he is in the aforementioned Crew of Zoo. As will be a recurring sub-theme within the Jason Young Fortnight, I never read CCatZC. At least I’ve heard of it. That said, I drew Captain Carrot not too long ago, and then drawing Pig Iron, I kinda loved the whole experience. I actually spent a lot of time on Pig Iron here. I recall drawing this while at work, in a Tim Hortons waiting for my girlfriend, at a Subway while getting my oil changed, at home, at drawing night, at my folks’ house, at my girlfriend’s house. I lived with Pig Iron for a while. And now you will too. Do it. Live with it. Make it your desktop wallpaper. In hindsight, I should have scheduled this for Easter. Ham.
You went to Tim Horton’s with Pig Iron? You NEVER take me to Tim Hortons…
Oh well, at least you drew this awesome fella per my request… thanks!
This is somehow the best thing you have ever drawn. Every shine mark is perfect. I hate you.