Tag: Preacher

482. Saint of Killers

So, I’m guessing the Preacher tv show will not be having The Saint of Killers as a character. Sad, but not too upsetting. So, I figured I’d make a doodle. A doodle. A doodle of The Saint of Killers. Doodle.

423. Cassidy

In about two months time, the Preacher television series will premiere. I am cautiously hopeful. Preacher resides in my top 10 comic series of all time (possibly in the top 5). The trailer they released a few months back, however, left me wanting. None of the tone of what makes it such a great comic …

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331. Herr Starr

293. Saint of Killers

I am pretty sure this was requested back when I started the sketch-a-day up again. Actually, it was probably the during the first go-round. Whoops. Anyhoo, with Preacher in the nerdnews the past week or so, I figured it’s a pretty good time to get this done.

362 – Proinsias Cassidy

As much as Preacher is about Jesse Custer finding God and calling Him on His bullshit, it’s also about the journey Cassidy takes from being a sleazy piece of shit vampire to redeemable human being. So basically, like Angel, with a lot more drugs, booze, sex, murder, and a more ridiculous Irish first name.

156 – Jesse Custer

I love Preacher, but I will admit that when it was coming out monthly, it was getting on my nerves. However, apparently, I thought the final issue was fantastic, and seemed to be the only one out of my peers who were reading it was as well, that liked it. A few years after it …

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