Tag: X-Men

1200. White Queen

1199. Sunfire

1198. Dazzler

I normally draw Dazzler for my friend Kathleen Coyle. Still do. Hey, Kat. Anyone, I keep basing my vision of Dazzler on Pink, for some reason. I don’t even like Pink. Or pop music, for that matter. Anyway. Yeah. Dazzler.

1197. Wolfsbane

I didn’t want to draw a dog, or a naked werewoman, or her shitty X-Factor costume. While looking for reference, I found exactly ONE image of this costume. It’s like a Wolverine pajama onesie, but it looked good.

1196. Archangel

This was super hard to draw.

1195. Phoenix

1194. Mesmero

1193. Sunspot

1192. Xorn

Grant Morrison created Xorn – a zen master Chinese mutant with a star for a brain, and it was good. He eventually revealed that Xorn was Magneto in disguise, and people flipped their shit. But me, I loved it and will still defend it. To me, Morrison was riding the wave of X-Men as a …

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1191. Mystique