Category: Sketch-a-Day

420. Papa Emeritus II

I was gonna draw something special for today’s occasion. But I didn’t. Instead, I drew the lead singer of the awesome metal band Ghost (or Ghost B.C. here in ‘murrica). Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

419. The Corinthian

I think I’ve talked about how I’ve only read the first 20 issues of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman multiple times, right? If I haven’t, well, there you go. But even before I read any Sandman, I had seen a picture of The Corinthian and became fascinated with him. To this day, I’m still fascinated with him. …

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417. H.D.S.

Recently an awesome person gave me some new paper to try. One sheet of that was called “Yupo” – which is a thing I say when being affirmative and excitable. It was a cool paper, really smooth and made me feel weird to draw on. I’ll have to see if I can get a couple …

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The things in my head don’t come out the way I ever intend on paper.


Doodled this in a friend of a friend’s sketchbook. My pal Joe and I went to see Veronica Mars today. It was a delightful movie. My memory of the television program is hazy, but it didn’t really matter. I remembered just enough to get some little things, but otherwise it’s perfectlu open to a wider …

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414. Halloween III

Random thought: Sometimes I want to start writing one of these things with the phrase “Once again”, but I stop myself because I know that I’ll immediately follow it with “back is the incredible, the rhyme animal, the incredible D, Public Enemy Number One. Five-O said, ‘Freeze!’ and I got numb.” But fighting against my …

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413. Sleep-Deprived Caffeine Puppet

This sketch was done on a 1 inch by 1 inch piece of tile that I was recently given. It was weird to draw on, but kinda fun? The Silber comics I’ve done are pretty small, but this one has it beat. And now a word from our sponsor: The following is every random thought …

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412. Gentleman

By request, one of The Gentlemen from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer – a show that I still have never seen more than two episodes.


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