I am a fan of The Flash in concept and design. He is a character, much like The X-Men that I am always interested in reading, but usually always disappointed in. More so now that Barry Allen is back. I can’t give a flying fuck. Wally West is The Flash to me. And yeah, he’s still around, he’s still called Flash, but it’s not the same, and I don’t care that he’s wearing the John Wesley Shipp costume. Barry taints all.
I did draw Wally here wearing the John Wesley Shipp costume, but I also made it shiny like Mike Wieringo did when he was drawing the character. I always loved that, and his whole take on the book and characters. Wieringo was a fantastic artist, and it’s still devastating that he’s gone.
As has been pointed out to me, I seem to gravitate toward “evil opposites” for favorite villains, and I have always loved Professor Zoom/Reverse Flash. No real reason for it. Even though he did not specifically ask for it, the drawing is dedicated to Joe G.
This week on Gutter Trash: Bullshit!
I’ve always liked ‘evil opposites’, too. Bizarro, Sinestro, even Sabertooth and Venom. But The Reverse-Flash is definitely my favorite, and I thought the new Zoom was a great character in his first story, before he was totally overused.
Thanks for the kickass drawing.
Even I read the first new Zoom storyline. His speech pattern was annoying, but I thought his motivation and concept was great. ‘course I haven’t read a Flash book since, when it went all “One More Day” at the end of it.
Your color work is getting better and better… I’m seriously jealous. Oh yeah, and Flash is pretty cool. Although I haven’t read any since Grant Morrison’s run on it ended. “Run”. HA! I’m hilarious!