Tag: Space Ghost

Space Ghost

This WAS for sale at my store, but it has already been purchased. There’s still more though! If you buy something nice, sometimes I’ll doodle on the envelope!

Bonus: Space Ghost

489. Future Quest

It’s now officially official. I have a table number! Come see me (and this cover, among others) at HEROES CON in Charlotte, NC on June 17-19. I’ll be at TABLE AA-2117. We can discuss how awesome this FUTURE QUEST comic is before I defaced it.

384. Space Ghost

551. Space Ghost

The lovely lady – in her mad dash to buy me birthday gifts and give them to me two weeks before said event – bought me a Rendr sketch pad. It allegedly does not bleed at all. So, using another present she bought me – a Chartpak Super Black marker (the most bleediest bleedy kind …

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121 – Space Ghost

Y’know, the real one, not that bullshit talk-show one that raped my childhood.