Tag: superheroes

Ok, PANIC!: Noir

138 – Paranoid

A while back I was planning on recreating the cover to Black Sabbath’s Paranoid. I pretty much got as far as this. I may go back to it sometime and finish it, but today it will live here, probably forever. I don’t listen to a lot of music anymore, new bands & old bands with …

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137 – Hawkman

My ex-girlfriend loved Hawkman (Hawkgirl, actually. Hawkman just sorta came along for the ride). Her enthusiasm for the Hawkfolk made me really like them too. Interested in seeing what the new DC Reeboo – uh – launch – Savage Hawkman book will be like, despite the fact that I care nothing for the creative team. …

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136 – Devil

135 – Warlock

Fulfilling a request from Brian John Mitchell, Warlock from the New Mutants. Not a character I was ever fond of, especially now after my attempt to draw him. First of all, trying to find reference for him is ridiculous, and also this is not a character I should try to ever draw. Warlock is a …

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134 – Cerebus, The Aardvark

My pal Jason axed me to draw Dave Sim’s Cerebus. Though I am not a misogynist, I did anyway.

133 – Cyclops

And the last.

132 – Wolverine

One more.

131- Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler was one of my favorite X-Men when I started reading that comic, and he’s one of the coolest looking. Every attempt to change his costume has been dumb. But now he’s dead, so oh well. Spoiler.

130 – Colossus

Did some X-Men on post-its. Fuck you.