060 – Foolkiller

Happy April Fools’ Day. The flamboyantly-dressed man with sea-shell adornments and an incinerator gun would like a word with you.

059 – Wolf-a-ream


I’m on Day 7 of whatever the fuck is wrong with me. Coughing, wheezing (more than normal), torn throat, head full of snot literally coming out of my eyes, no voice. Although today, back aches joined the party. I am a mucus-filled meat bag propelled by a lost, angry, confused ghost. I missed worked for the better part of the last week, and it’s my first day back. Everything is weird, foreign and otherworldly. I don’t feel like I’m in me.

Watched some movies in my sick haze, though. Housebound is a twisty horror comedy light on the comedy and the horror, but not terribly so. A decent thriller. ABC’s of Death 2 suffers from a lot of the problems the first one did, mainly, out of 26 short films, only 3-4 stand out. But overall, seemed more even-keeled. Also, to the filmmaker who did “P-P-P-P-Scary”: Fuck you. Stop making things. V/H/S: Viral was as big a turd as V/H/S/2 & 1 were great. The Fly 2 is a movie I’ve owned forever but never watched until this weekend. It’s good as long as you don’t compare it to Cronenberg’s The Fly. It’s a typical monster movie that never tries to be anything more. Even the Fly creature is generic and dumb compared to the Cronenberg version. But, it’s entertaining, and Eric Stoltz is very good in it. Back Issues is a documentary about Hustler magazine and Larry Flynt. Flynt is a disgusting human, and Hustler is gross, but it made me respect both, so there’s that.

After catching up on television programs (Arrow, SHIELD, Flash, iZombie, Battle Creek, Better Call Saul, Last Man on Earth, Community), I started watching The Almighty Johnsons on Netflix. Seems fun. Show about 5 dudes who happen to be human incarnation of various Norse gods. They don’t go for the obvious gods, so that’s nice. I’ll give it a few.

I’m gonna go back drifting through the day now.


056 – Captain America


054 – The Question

I recently came to the conclusion that I love a lot of Steve Ditko creations, but I do not particularly care for the work of Steve Ditko. He’s a creative mind who has created a lot of characters that I unabashedly love like The Question, Creeper, Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, and of course, Blue Beetle. But usually, those characters were better handled by other creators, and quite frankly, better drawn. It’s not like I hate Ditko’s work, I just prefer others over his. That certainly doesn’t take away from his contributions of course. Just look at Spider-Man. He created him, but other creators like certainly took and expanded what he did and made it better, like John Romita, and Gerry Conway, for sure, though.

So anyway, The Question. I recently purchased the trades collecting the 80s Question series for a pretty decent price. Well, almost. Volumes 2-6, I was able to pick up for about 6 bucks a pop. Volume 1, however, I have not been able to find for less than 100 dollars. Needless to say, I haven’t bought that one yet. If anyone out there in internetland finds a good price on it, let me know.

All said, I wanted to draw The Question. I wanted to try a limited palette when coloring it, but, I can’t leave well enough alone, so here’s an alternate color take on it.