This may be the one character I draw this month that I actively hate. Classic Nick Fury is awesome. Even Ultimate Nick Fury is awesome. Samuel L. Jackson as Movie Nick Fury is double plus awesome (I just listened to the 1984 audiobook). But holy crap is Nick Fury, Jr. a turd and a half.
1st of all, he is a character in a genre where space aliens are a thing, dudes get bitten by radioactive animals, or folks become gods via gamma radiation. I have a massive ability to suspend my disbelief, and for one second do I not buy the origin of Nick Fury, Jr. Classic Fury’s illegitimate son – Marcus Johnson – who, after discovering his heritage, gets the exact same wound as dear old Dad, shaves his head, grows a goatee and changes his name to Nick Fury, Jr. after, what? 30 years of the having a different name? All so that the 616 (original flavor) Marvel Universe can have a Nick Fury that matches the wildly popular movie version?
Listen, I totally get why Marvel wants a Sam Jackson-y Fury playing around in the comic neighborhood. Absolutely I do. Holy shit, though. The hoops that they had to go through to be able to reach the sloppy level of corporate synergy to get there is fucking horrendous.
Hell, bring Ult. Fury to the regular universe. Have him team up with Classic Fury, Classic sacrifices himself to save Ultimate, and unfortunately in the process destroys the way back home for Ultimate who is now stuck in 616. OR, clone Ult. Fury and have his doppleganger travel to 616. The possibilities were endless!
Yay corporations.
Seriously. And considering how much Marvel loves everything clone, I’m surprised they didn’t go the clone route.
Another option could’ve been to use an Exiles-esque storyline (which I guess is basically your Ultimate storyline).
So after reading this I had to look up what the number 616 meant in regards to Marvel. Should I get my geek card revoked?
For the record I like the white Nick Fury better… not because he’s white… but because I grew up reading that one.
Alec – Yeah! Exiles! I think there was even a similar book lately with Dazzler where she hopped across dimensions (and picked up a Wolverine who was gay and a lover of Hercules). Alternate dimensions are a great resource!
Jason – Nope, you don’t get your geek card revoked! You never had one!, You’ve always been too terrible to get one.
And yeah, I like White Nick Fury too, but only because he’s the one that’s been around for 50+ years. Steranko, man!