Tag: Cobra


Welcome to Marvemeber Marvillains! Pretty self-explanatory, I think.

Big Boa

819. Destro

Me. MAVERICKS CARDS AND COMICS. FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: May 6th, 2017. Free Sketch Cards. Getchu sum.

187. Firefly

186. Serpentor

176. Zartan

So, I’ve always liked G.I. Joe, but rarely draw any characters. I dunno why. Even a few years ago, I rewatched the entire cartoon. Unlike it’s many cartoon peers I grew up with, G.I. Joe still holds up, totally. So anway, my pal Jason found the book below, and I took its lessons to heart …

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Ok, PANIC!: G.I. Joe

The Baroness

Once a Man

Favorite cartoon villain as a kid. Can’t say I hated him in the live-action movie, because he was barely in it. And I actually liked the movie. Excited for the animated movie to be coming out on blu-ray. Boom. This week on Gutter Trash: Oldboy and Episodes 1 through 3 of our live SPACE recordings.