Ugh. This one sucks.
Tag: Ghostbusters
468. Ray Stanz
Free Comic Book Day sketch. Aykroyded. Before this I had drawn a Batman and Wonder Woman for two adorable small children.
247. Slimer
Inspired by Nick Marino, who mentioned Ecto-Cooler in a comment about a recent sketch, plus remembering that Kurt Dinse and I were once gonna do competing Slimers. Plus, yknow, ghosts, October, Halloween, all that.
227. Slimer
HorrorHound sketch request
Action Comics No. 1146
I drew this as a Christmas gift for a friend. The idea for it popped in my head and I couldn’t shake it loose. My friend had stated many times in the past how much he loved old Silver-Age Superman covers where he was eating, and for some reason I just kept thinking “Superman vs. …