Tag: Action Comics

251 – Red Tornado

I can’t point to any reason or example of why I like Red Tornado, but I do. It’s weird. I don’t think I even own a single comic with him in it. The closest thing I can think of is the episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold where he builds a son who turns …

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232 – Morning Doodle 3

There’s nothing to say about this. I did, however, pick up a stack of comics, and felt like giving some encapsulated reviews of the ones I’ve read, most of which are from the The New DC 52. First things first, Justice League. Joe Grunenwald and I reviewed the first issue as a special bonus episode …

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Action Comics No. 1146

I drew this as a Christmas gift for a friend. The idea for it popped in my head and I couldn’t shake it loose. My friend had stated many times in the past how much he loved old Silver-Age Superman covers where he was eating, and for some reason I just kept thinking “Superman vs. …

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