Tag: ink

588. Jack Staff

Still miss Jack Staff. Quite frankly, I miss any regular work by Paul Grist.

587. Max Headroom

Been watching the Max Headroom TV series (the sci-fi ABC series, not the talk shows) lately. They’re super-dated, but also, very prophetic and relevant, especially about the role of media and entertainment in our lives. There was even an episode about media controlled elections, which was a bit frightening. Plus, Amanda Pays in her prime. …

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583. Mr. Mxyzptlk


581. Captain Atom

580. The Misfits

They are THE MISFITS, their songs are better! As with all my sketch covers, it is available for sale on my store. I’d sell it for $138 if I could, but I think the current price is more than fair.


Guillermo Del Toro’s vampire tv series, THE STRAIN, started up again this past weekend. Just a really rough doodle of a monster that has some similarities to a Strigoi.