Tag: sketch

315. Barbarius Carpathian the Unliving

314. Killglorious of the Dark Realms

I found the #tuesdayblackmetalnames tag on Twitter, so from now on, my black metal dudes will have those names. This one was named by Kurt Dinse, the first Tuesday Black Metal Name.

313. Torvar the Undeadifier

For a while, Kurt Dinse, Kathleen Coyle and I were coming up with fake black metal names om Tuesdays. I should look them up, cuz this may be a recurring theme…

312. Boragarthagon the Bloviated

I spent an odd amount of time last night talking about Black Metal with a couple of girls who were old enough to be either my daughters or really really young sisters. It made me want to revel in some Black Metal ridiculousness for a bit.

311. Martian Manhunter

After last night’s episode of Supergirl, I decided to draw my favorite martian, J’onn J’onzz. I’m iffy on the actual Supergirl show, it’s got a lot of high points, but the low ones really, really grate on me. But last night, they raised their game and pulled out some awesome stops. Between a pretty good …

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310. Supergirl

Stupid, hot, fuckable, buff Jimmy Olsen.

309. Max Mercury

By request of Joe Grunenwald, of course.



Leave me alone or ignore me, if there’s even the smallest scrap of paper and a pen or pencil around while I’m busy not existing, I will draw a thing.