Tag: the tall man

Patreon Reward: The Tall Man

Patreon Reward: The Tall Man

BOY!!! I usually hate drawing likenesses, but I’m down with Angus Scrimm’s The Tall Man of the Phantasm movies. He is such a distinct and unique face, he’s pretty easy – and a pleasure – to draw. I had planned to watch all the Phantasm movies fairly recently, but the first is such a slog …

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The Tall Man

Six FanArts: 02

My second Six FanArts go-round. Still really pleased with these.


Everyone can still go fuck themselves. 4/05/12 The Tall Man. Written and directed by the guy who made the film Martyrs, a fantastic french horror film. As good as Martyrs was, this was equally as dull. The strain to be twisty caused this movie to collapse under itself. Plus, there’s a voiceover, which usually bodes …

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51. HorrorHound Weekend – Day 1 and 2

Sketches from Days 1 and 2 of HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio. I’m not doing great sales-wise. The prints aren’t moving, but lots of people love ’em – just not enough to buy ’em. So, we’ve got Leatherface advertising the sketch deal, followed by an alien from the movie BAD TASTE, The Tall Man from …

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