The lady person is preparing to teach a class to a bunch of rich women at a country club on wine glass painting. She has been practicing with different types of paint and glass for a few weeks now, and last night got me to do a glass as well. It was supposed to be some sorta Lovecraftian tentacled beast of some sort, but I am terrible and it just looks like a gray/purple swirly mess.

599. Hellboy



Drew this on a placemat at a local Thai restaurant, having dinner with my pal Jason.


595 .The Finger

Inspired by Kurt Dinse’s apparent inspiration by this character, once again I give you The Finger.


Another character for a thing I think I might start doing something about in 2015.

Today I watched The Legend of Hell House. Tense haunted house horror film from the 70s, based on a Richard Matheson novel. I enjoyed it, quite a bit. I also read Silver Surfer #2. It’s quite fun and zany, a little hard to believe that Mike Allred didn’t write it and only did the art.


592. X-23

Hey, fanboys! You love Wolverine, right? Love him so much you’d wanna fuck him? Well that’s gross and wrong. So here’s a Wolverine with a vagina you’re socially allowed to fuck. Except she’s underage, but who’s telling, right? So go for it, fanboys! Go pretend fuck a girl Wolverine!

– Love, Marvel.