Eric Shonborn

Illustrator, designer, cartoonist, podcaster, sociopath, geek.

Most commented posts

  1. 219 – Shade The Changing Man — 8 comments
  2. 237 – Daredevil Portrait — 7 comments
  3. 088 – The Flash — 7 comments
  4. 296. Ninth Doctor — 7 comments
  5. 202 – Squirrel Girl — 6 comments

Author's posts


Last night, my pal Jason & I watched a movie for Gutter Trash, and out of a discussion we had, I’ve come to the conclusion that actors should only ever play one role for their entire lives. That way, no one ever becomes famous, and movies and television are much more believable and we are …

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I was in and out of the room last night, but I got to see the last 15 minutes or so of last night’s episode of The Flash. Despite already knowing the villains identity, the show managed to pull out some major surprises. I love the hell out of this show, I truly do. It …

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Watched the first three episodes of Powers. It’s a turd. A wet, steamy turd. So, a very long time ago, a family friend brought over some peanut brittle. I ate some, but I didn’t like it. About a half hour afterward, I began to violently vomit. It was as if my insides had all turned …

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Finished watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Good lord, so funny. Bonkers funny. Watched Iron Man Friday night. I liked it better than I did when I initially watched it. It’s good, but I was never in love with it. The entire Iron Man franchise (and to an extent, The Avengers, and all of the MCU) hinges …

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Portrait of my mom’s cat Ebby. I think. I dunno. I only get brief glimpses of him once every 6 months for the last 10 years. Anyhoo. I started watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt last night, the new Netflix series. It’s a goddamned delight.

040 – Saint Sebastian

Yesterday was the lady’s birthday. She collects Artist Trading Cards, and we agreed to trade back when we first started dating. Almost immediately, she painted a Blue Beetle for me. And I did nothing. I’m a bit of a procrastinator and kind of a horrible guy. Finally, though, I drew this card to give to …

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I saw someone post a “challenge” on twitter. Draw a shrug. So. There. Was busy drawing, scanning, and editing podcasts last night in a feeble attempt to ignore that my life is about to completely collapse. Also watched Dead Alive again, still the best Peter Jackson movie. Also been watching the 12 Monkeys television program. …

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Holy F*ck #3: On sale this week!

Fuck Nick Marino.