Category: Sketch-a-Day




538. Super-Flash

Happy Batman Day! ^^This is based on this:

537. Wonder Woman

Yeah, this is a thing that happened.

536. Dynomutt, the Dog Wonder and Blue Falcon

Blue Falcon was a request from my friend Jason Young. I finished the drawing and then knew that I couldn’t leave it alone. I needed to add B.F’s best friend, Dynomutt, the Dog Wonder! I used to watch and love this cartoon as a kid (oh, USA Cartoon Express, I miss you most of all). …

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I might be infected with some sort of Batman mental virus.


Testing out a new brush pen and sketchpad. I watched Son of Batman the other night because I clearly don’t get enough Batman in my life, or think about Batman at all times or anything. Anyway, it might be the worst DC animated movie so far, and I sat through Justice League: War and Flashpoint …

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533. Batstronaut

532. Vision