Tag: illustration



Birds are assholes


1236. Wolverine

1235. Domino

I might have an incredibly massive crush and/or be in love with Zazie Beetz as Domino from DEADPOOL 2. No apologies.

1234. Nightwing


1232. Craymok

Craymok is a character from Ryan Browne’s God Hates Astronauts, which I would recommend. He also has the best origin of any superhero ever.

1231. Akecheta

The Ghost Nation characters have been running around Westworld as just scary murderous natives. But on a recent episode, this character tells his story of how he became sentient, and it was one of the best, most heart-wrenching hours of television I’ve ever seen. The actor, Zahn McClarnon, deserves every acting award for it.