Tag: Image Comics

689. Knight Sabre

This guy is the epitome of douchebag comic characters, and I have never read a comic with him in it, or even heard of him before drawing this.

687. Genocide

A pretty tame looking Liefeld villain, especially for one named “Genocide”.

685. Prophet

I went with “classic” Prophet here (though I tried a weird), although I’ve only read the Brandon Graham reboot. Which I hated. Immensely. I think there’s a Gutter Trash episode where I talk about it. Still, props to Rob for letting creators go nuts with his characters like that.

684. Khrome

What a dumb name.

679. Cougar

Not the kind of cougar I like.

676. Diehard

Did a little redesign on him. This drawing is actually really old. Like… 4 years? Maybe? Also, he’s my favorite Christmas movie.

670. Supreme

A couple things: Today marks the longest unbroken streak of the Sketch-a-Day I’ve done since I started doing it back in 2011. I took a year off after the first year (369 daily sketches), and then re-started when I realized how little I accomplished when I wasn’t updating this site daily. In 2013, Sketch-a-Day 2.0 …

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549. Invincible

I was trying something here. I failed. *** I watched a horror movie last night called We Are Still Here. I did not enjoy it. It’s a little too slow, the internal logic of the ghosts/monsters was wonky and not completely thought out, it seemed, nor the central gimmick of the movie. The lead actor …

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429. Lin Sae Woo

Spent most of the weekend at the Gem City Comic Con. Did some drawing there, including two paid sketches. I did not get a pic of the first sketch (The Riddler), but I did manage to remember to get one of this. A guy was beginning a “Chew” sketchbook. There was a Tony, a Poyo, …

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550. Deathface Ginny

A few weeks ago, Jason and I reviewed the comic Pretty Deadly. Spoiler: I loved it.