Tag: The Mummy

5. Imhotep

Every drawing for Inktober is available for sale, $15. Contact me if interested.

988. The Mummy

610. Boris

INKTOBER THEME WEEK #1: Classic Horror Actors. I’ve actually been wanting to draw a portrait of Karloff for a while, but didn’t have the time ’til now. So for the entire month, I will be selling these sketch cards individually for 5 bucks, or as a theme set (7 cards total) for 25. If you …

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47. Probin’

The streak is over. I tried, I really did. I watched about 45 minutes of The Mummy (the original, Boris Karloff version) last night (3/18/13) before just giving up and passing out. I had dinner with my parents and then did a podcast, which I then edited, rendered and uploaded. By the time I sat …

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Dr. Creep’s Assignment Terror

This is a recreation of a movie poster. The original title of the film is called Los Monstruos del Terror, renamed in the U.S.A. as Assignment Terror (sometimes Dracula vs. Frankenstein) and is written by and features Spanish horror star Paul Naschy. My friend Matt Brassfield is putting together a sort of tribute/charity drive for …

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