465. Manhunter

Celebrating Mother’s Day by drawing my favorite superhero mom, Kate Spencer, a.k.a. Manhunter. Who doesn’t exist anymore. Because New 52.


463. Macho Man

Drew this on a takeout box.

462. Billy Bob

Stare into the eyes of Satan.

461. Corsair


459. Reid Fleming

World’s Toughest Milkman, by request.

458. Winter Soldier

So in the world of comics, the one unwritten rule for the longest time was “Only Uncle Ben and Bucky stay dead”. And then Ed Brubaker brought Bucky back to life. And against expectations, it totally worked, and eventually Bucky – now renamed The Winter Soldier – replaced Captain America and was totally awesome at it. But all things end, and he got his own series that I own but still have yet to read. And then that got cancelled and now he is the villain of a fantastic movie and all is well and it’s early and I’m not fully awake yet, hello.

457. Mud Man

Next week on Gutter Trash, Jason and I will be reviewing Paul Grist’s Mud Man. We are currently reading the book still, but I decided to draw the character. I drew this entirely with some new pens I bought today. Seemed successful.

456. The Monarch