Tag: art

290. The Maxx

IDW is reprinting/remastering (?) the original Sam Keith MAXX comics. I think I own most of them, yet I am ordering the new reprints anyway. Sam Keith is one of those artists whose work I absolutely love, but it has been a very long time since I’ve read anything by him that was any good. …

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289. Commander USA

A horror/schlock movie host from the 80s, seen on the USA network. I’ll give regular readers two guesses who might have requested this one.

288. Ambush Bug



So yeah. Regarding this and the coinciding contest? I won. I am containing my excitment. Be advised. I am excited.



I was going to draw a giant ballsack and penis on this but ran out of time.

283. Nexus

The only comic I’ve ever read with the Steve Rude/Mike Baron Nexus character was the Nexus Meets Madman crossover. I still don’t know much about him other than he is cool looking. I went to see Thor: The Dark World. I enjoyed it. I am saving more in depth thoughts about it and Gravity for …

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What I’m looking for in a woman. I saw Gravity this afternoon. I enjoyed it.

281. Sad Lantern