Tag: art



298. Ripclaw


296. Ninth Doctor

Today is the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Doctor Who, so I decided to pay homage to my first Doctor. Sorta. I’m pretty sure when I was a kid, I stumbled upon an old Doctor Who episode on PBS, mostly likely the 4th Doctor – Tom Baker – with the afro and scarf. And …

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293. Saint of Killers

I am pretty sure this was requested back when I started the sketch-a-day up again. Actually, it was probably the during the first go-round. Whoops. Anyhoo, with Preacher in the nerdnews the past week or so, I figured it’s a pretty good time to get this done.

292. Battletoad

By request, since I honestly didn’t know this was a thing.

291. Hawkguy

Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye series is one of the best things currently being published by Marvel. On the flipside, one of the worst things ever produced by Marvel in their entire history is the 1979 Captain America TV movie, which I watched over the weekend. It was terrible and awesome. I’m looking forward to watching the …

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