Ever since I saw her in Jeremy Adams’ FLASH run, I wanted to draw her/fix her costume. Just because she’s an amalgam of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold doesn’t mean it has to be a lazy design.
Tag: Always Ted
A.I. Blue Beetle
Mostly out of morbid curiosity, I tried to see if I could generate an A.I. version of Blue Beetle. Below is the result of that experiment, and quite frankly, boy, do I feel like a real artist now! Anyway, even though I’m now totally sold on this awesome new tech, I decided to see if …
Blue Beetle
Couple days ago, Paul Tobin posted a bunch of GA Blue Beetle covers and art. I learned that the Dan Garrett BB started out as a suit/hat hero ala Shadow or Green Hornet. So I decided to whip up a quick Ted Kord (MY Blue Beetle) in a suit.
Blue Beetle
Always Ted YouTube Short seen here.
Patreon Reward: Blue Beetle
Not MY Blue Beetle. #AlwaysTed
Blue & Gold
I love Mike Wieringo. I love Blue Beetle. I love Booster Gold. Imagine my absolute joy when I found this amazing sketch online (below). Then I decided to ruin it by “inking” and coloring it. Then it made me sad, because now all I want in the world is a Wieringo Blue & Gold series. …
Bloo Beeble
Not working on the stuff I should be.
75. Blue Beetle
Thy Kingdom Come.
1371. Blue Beetle #1
Click to embiggen. Today would be Steve Ditko’s 91st birthday. I initially drew this for a coalition of 91 artists drawing Ditko sketches today. I’m not sure if there is going to be any follow-through on anyone else’s part. This is an homage/recreation of Charlton Comics’ BLUE BEETLE #1 (see below). It is also featured …