I recently drew the back cover for Finite #4, the newest issue of the sci-fi comic by my friend Bruce O. Hughes. The issue will debut this upcoming weekend at the first Mid-Pandemic Gem City Comic Con. I might be there Sunday. Come infect us! Besides the back cover, I also edited and re-lettered some …
Tag: Bruce O. Hughes
7. Cairne Bloodhoof
Week Two! This week is presented by the Hughes family. Bruce Hughes is one of my oldest friends, in fact, the only person I have known since the 90s with whom I am still friends, other than his wife Ralphie, who I was friends with first. Bruce picked Cairne Bloodhoof from WORLD OF WARCRAFT. He …
1443. Scanlan Shorthalt
It’s Bruce O. Hughes Week. If there’s any person I know who has long deserved to have a week of sketches dedicated to them, it’s Bruce. He is my oldest friend. We went to art school, and hated each other. Somehow, that turned to friendship, and for a long while, creative partnership. We had a …
1150. Genil
My friend Bruce O. Hughes just released the third issue of his sci-fi comic FINITE. He asked me if I would draw the back cover, which I gladly did, which is gladly posted above. Go check it out.
550. Finite
I don’t know the name of this character or what its deal is, but I know I spent all weekend coloring him. He appears in issue #2 of my friend Bruce Hughes’ comic, Finite. I’m helping him out with flats to get the book done for Bruce’s next convention, The Cincinnati Comic Expo. Decided to …
359. Iron & Ink
A couple of weeks ago, my friend and former creative partner Bruce O. Hughes asked if I could draw a pin-up for the final issue of his comic Iron & Ink. Bruce will be debuting this last issue at the 2016 Independent Creators Expo on February 20th. You can also purchase it and his other …