Tag: brush pen

25. Eddie

I’ve been watching a lot of rockumentaries lately, and I sketched this while watching one on the making of Iron Maiden’s NUMBER OF THE BEAST. Maybe I should make this a cleaned up, full illustration some time.

24. Hulk-Out

Ok, PANIC!: New 52

Of all the DC Comics New 52 launches, OMAC was my favorite. So of course it was the first cancelled.



21. Ben Grimm

20. John Constantine, Hellblazer

Oi, piss off. Hellblazer # 300 comes out today in comic shops everywhere and concludes the longest running Vertigo comic and – on a technicality – DC comic. I’ve already said my piece on the subject of John Constantine and DC’s cancelling of his book in favor of a New 52’d version. Since I get …

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Felt like making something Kirby-ish.


I watched the movie PARANORMAN last night. I thought it was fantastic all around, and this sketch was definitely influenced by the look and feel of some of the zombies seen throughout the movie.