Tag: brush pen


178 – Bullseye

177 – Scarecrow

176 – Red Hood

Jason Todd is a character who serves a greater purpose when he’s dead, and I can’t think of a more useless, awful character running around the DCU for the useless and awful reasons he is. Until Grant Morrison wrote the character during his Batman and Robin run, and spent three issues pointing out what a …

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175 – Norman Osborn

I know I recently did a Green Goblin sketch, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to draw his secret identity of Norman Osborn, Marvel Universe psychopath, or his crazy hair. Seriously, any ginger with that hair style should have been locked up from the get-go.

174 – Dirk the Daring

So yesterday, I accomplished a thing that I have, essentially, been waiting almost 27 years or so to do. I finally played (and beat) Dragon’s Lair. This is a game I saw all the time at the arcade, it was expensive to play, and hard to play, and my 5 year old mind couldn’t wrap …

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Art by Skye Ogden. A few months back, after the devastating earthquakes in Japan, my friend Jason Young forwarded me an email from a man named Adam Paison, a cartoonist living in Japan. Adam had decided to put together a charity book of comics from artists around the world, recounting their personal experiences with Japan …

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173 – Ambush Bug

Another request for my League Night co-host, Joe Grunenwald. I’m actually, sadly, really unfamiliar with Ambush Bug, because if there was a character who seemingly should be right down my alley, it’s this one. He’s a funny character who is aware that he’s a comic character, and he was created by Keith Giffen, a writer/artist …

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172 – Supergirl

Watching Justice League Unlimited for my League Night podcast, and I was reminded of how much I dug Supergirl’s costume in the beginning of that cartoon and from the Superman: The Animated Series ‘toon. So I drew her. In that costume. Why are you hassling me?!

171 – Green Goblin

Normy Osborn’s better half.