Tag: color

1414. Nuclear Man

1413. Shadow Thief

1412. Black Adam

1411. Manhunter

I miss this character/comic quite a bit.

1410. Major Force

Ah, Major Force. If you are unaware of this character, his legacy, and his importance, here’s a quickie rundown. Major Force is the supervillain catalyst for writer Gail Simone to create the infamous Women in Refrigerators article. Women in Refeigerators, or Fridging, is the act of a villain killing the – usually female – love …

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1409. Major Disaster

1408. Brainiac

1407. Cheetah

I decided to go for the Golden Age/Legion of Doom version of Cheetah, rather the blah generic feral cat-monster lady version. Very curious to see how the Kristen Wiig version will look in the Wonder Woman sequel.

1406. Mother Panic

1405. The Creeper

I worked too hard on this one.