I tried to make Carrie Kelley’s alternate future Robin costume look a little store-bought. Accurate to the classic Robin suit, but off. No utility belt, even. I wonder if Dark Knight Returns is even readable nowadays. It certainly ruined Batman for… well, still is ruining Batman.
Tag: Dark Knight Returns
490. The Dark Knight
HEROES CON. Charlotte, NC. June 17-19. TABLE AA-2117. This cover & others, prints, sketchbooks, sketches, maybe comics – all for sale there with me at the show. That’s right. I’m for sale. Buy me.
398. The Dark Knight
Realized that I have never drawn The Dark Knight Returns/Frank Miller Batman before. My “default” Batman is the Neal Adams/Jim Aparo version (with some Kelley Jones for flavor). Of course, a lot of folks know of my love for the ’66 version, as well. When I was a pre-teen, I would have fought anyone who …
382. Blade
I went with Blade’s Tomb of Dracula look here, just ‘cuz. Don’t judge me. You can read my reviews for all four Blade movies here, here, here, and here. As for my review of the animated Dark Knight Returns that I watched last night, it’s right here: It was okay. When I first read DKR, …